2023 Photo Gallery
Calling All Car and Truck Enthusiasts To Danbury, Connecticut!
Danbury Connecticut is excited to announce the return of the Danbury War Memorial Car & Truck Festival on Sunday, September 3, 2023 from 10:00AM-4:00PM! The rain date is Labor Day, September 4, 2023. This event is free to spectators with transportation included to and from the festival. No need to get frustrated to find parking! Bring the family to scope out vehicles of all makes and models. Stroll through and admire these beauties! Don’t forget to indulge in the many food trucks on premises that will offer a wide selection of food. Enter the 50/50 raffle and browse through vendors on site. What a great way to close out summer by spending some quality time with the family at a community event! Make it a family affair!
This event is hosted by the Danbury War Memorial which is a non-profit recreational and educational facility right in the heart of Danbury. Members of the community gather here for organized sports, personal fitness, as well as community events. All profits gained will be used for continuous improvements to the building. Adults and children of all ages thrive here. Imagine the efforts and proceeds to this community center! The future is looking bright!
At our show in 2019, we had about 800 trucks, cars, and motorcycles combined. 6,000 visitors walked on Memorial Drive. Many even said that it brought back memories of the Danbury Fair with seeing friends & family enjoying themselves in the Danbury community. This year we anticipate more cars and more trucks!
The Danbury War Memorial Car & Truck Festival is looking for participants! Shine up your ride, polish those wheels, and show it off to the world! The registration fee on the day of the show is $25.00 per vehicle. You may pre-register online for $20.00 per vehicle by clicking the Register My Vehicle link below. We are also looking for sponsors and vendors for the day of the event. We invite anyone who wants to share their love of all genres of automobiles! Interested? Connect with us! Check us out at: www.danburywarmemorialcarshow.com
Please stay tuned! More information will be coming soon!